Life Groups
Discovering God’s Word | Connecting with Other Believers | Growing In Our Faith
What is truth? Doesn’t truth depend upon who you are talking with? Is truth really about what makes you happy and what you want to believe?
We live in a time where we are receiving many conflicting messages about life and what was once considered to be an absolute truth is now being questioned. How do we know what to believe? How do we know what is true and who can we trust?
Jesus stated in John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.”
This is why Life Groups are such a vital part of our lives at Pickens First Baptist Church. We believe Life Groups are a time where we can:
“Discover” God’s Word to find His truth to build our lives upon.
“Connect” and build lasting relationships with others who are searching for the same answers we are.
“Grow” in our walk with the Lord.
We would like to invite you to attend one of our Life Groups and find out for yourself how relevant God’s Word is for your life. We have classes ranging from nursery to Senior Adults. Classes begin at 9:15 a.m.
Preschool Classes:
Please reach out to Jennifer Hendrix with any questions about preschool Life Groups.
Babies (Room F100) Teachers: Janice Stewart, Kerry Harper, Jeanie Abercrombie
1 Year Olds (Room F102) Teachers: Emily Simmons, Mac & Von Bolding
2 & 3 Year Olds (Room F103) Teachers: June Stansell, Judy Edwards
K4 – K5 (Room F 105) Teachers: Andrew and Meagan Shipman
Children’s Classes:
Please reach out to Jeff Rafferty with any questions about children’s Life Groups.
1st – 3rd Grades (Room S127) Teachers: Amy Stone & Erin Hunter
4th / 5th Grades (Room S129) Teachers: Amy Sawyer & Don Shuman
Youth Classes:
All Youth Classes Meet in the Xchange.
Please reach out to Colton Ashley with any questions about youth Life Groups.
Middle School Co-Ed: Chip Dunn, Lauren Ashley, and Megan Shipman
High School Co-Ed: Taught by Lynn Williams, Jeremy Simmons and Andrew Shipman
Adult Classes:
Please reach out to Jeff Rafferty with any questions about adult Life Groups.
Single Young Adult Class (Ages 18 – 25) in the Xchange Teachers: Brian and Kitty Kolat
Newly Married Young Adult Class (Room E311) Teachers: Boyce & Loree Couch
Young Adult Class (Ages 25 – 35) (Room S111) Teachers: Michael Stone & David Stone
Hendricks – Eller Class (Ages 35-45) (Room E107) Teachers: Zander Clarkson, Davey Hiott
H.E. Jones Class (Ages 45-55) (Room E357) Teachers: Jeff Turner, Scott Garrett
Purpose Driven Class (All Ages) (Room E356) Teachers: Roger Smith and Randy Hein
Clyde & Florence Stewart Class (Ages 55 +) (Room E358) Teachers: Mendel Stewart, Larry Martin, and Doug Hayes
Helen Batson Class (Ages 55 +) (Room E150) Teacher: Jim Alexander
Larry Davis Class (Ages 65 +) (Room E250) Teachers: Lynn Fisher, Richard Painter
Women of Worship (Ladies of all Ages) (Room E106) Teachers: Lisa Hiott and Alecia Graves
Hiott / Lanham Class (Ladies 65 – 75) (Room E261) Teacher: Judy Holder
T.B. Lanham Class (Men 65 +) (Room E201) Teachers: Donivan Edwards, Mike Rushton and Greg Stansell
T.E.L. Class (Ladies 75 +) (Room E202) Teacher: Lucy Ward